As a teacher, what I loved most was the interaction with the students and finding ways to get them excited about learning new things. As a parent, I love watching my kids discover something for the first time or figure out a way to do something that might require out-of-the-box thinking.
And as an author, one of my favorite things is talking with kids (and teachers & librarians!) and seeing them so enthusiastic about reading and writing. I LOVE IT.
Which is why some author friends and I started AUTHOR SKYPE CLUB. Classes or clubs can Skype with an author for a FREE 20-minute Q&A session. Ask about the writing process, publishing, or even book recommendations. (We also love to hear your book recs!) Or if you’ve read the author’s book, go ahead and ask about the inside secrets or share your thoughts. Of course, there’s limited availability, but there’s a whole bunch of us who are happy to set up a time with you. Teachers, librarians, scout leaders, book clubs . . . check it out at!
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