A Giveaway, to Celebrate!!

Four Red Gift BoxesEnter below to win some great things you can add to your writer’s toolbox. For more info on those favorites, click here.

*Winners have been chosen and contacted.  Thank you for entering!!

I love the writing communities I’ve become a part of.  The support, encouragement, and information writers offer each other is amazing.  To say thank you and to celebrate my recent agent news, I’m doing a giveaway of a few of my favorite things as a writer.  (My agent story here!)

And stay tuned, because a giveaway for my favorite “favorite thing” is coming next!

To enter, you’ll be asked to link to another writer who helped you on your path in some way.  My shout outs go to . . .

Ann Marie Walker, who is always bringing writers and readers together in some way.  Her fun contests, friendly personality, and passion for writing made me instantly gravitate toward her.  And when I found out how awesome her book sounds, I was hooked!  It’s about the 80s and celebrity crushes- when can I read it?!  Head over to her blog at http://annmariewalker.blogspot.com/ 
and follow her on twitter @AnnMarie_Walker!

Kat Brauer is a YA writer who organizes a big auction every year to help give people clean water.  It’s an amazing campaign with critiques by agents and authors and Kat offers her services with her fabulous Kat Crits.  I know they’re fabulous because she critiqued my WIP!  She’s spunky and fun and always encouraging.  Find her blog at http://katbrauer.com/, contribute to Crits for Water at http://critsforwater.katbrauer.com/, and follow her on twitter @katbrauer!


Want to join the fun?  Here’s how . . .

1. Become a follower at www.writeforapples.com.


2. Leave a comment below with a link to another writer’s blog, twitter handle, or website.  It can be anyone who has inspired you, become a new writing friend, or even made you laugh when you needed it.  If you’d like, briefly tell us why you picked him/her. 

In the same comment, in order of preference, copy and paste anything in the list below that you’d love to win:

Scrivener for Mac
Scrivener for PC
Query Tracker premium 1 year membership
Emotion Thesaurus
Kat Crit of 5,000 words (donation goes to Crits for Water!)

Leave your e-mail or twitter handle if you don't have a blogger ID
. Bloggers- you must have a public profile and listed e-mail for me to find you.

****Bonus entries!***** (For current subscribers too.)

Leave a separate comment for each entry, including each time you tweet.  I’ll only be keeping track of what’s in the comments.

*Sign up for the I Write for Apples feed or e-mail feed. (Over to the left.)

*Follow on twitter @writeforapples

*Tweet about this giveaway- You can add an extra entry every time you tweet it!  Use the hashtag #WritersWin in your tweet. 
Please leave your twitter handle in the comment.

Open to everyone!
Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, July 5, 2012.


*Products were donated by Scrivener.


  1. I'm a follower of your blog. :)

    A writer who's made a huge difference to me -- inspiring, encouraging, talking me down off ledges -- is my friend and crit partner, Catherine Knutsson (@catknutsson). (Her debut novel came out this month! SHADOWS CAST BY STARS)

    I'd love to win any of your great prizes! But here's my order of preference:
    Scrivener for PC
    Query Tracker premium 1 yr mbrship
    Emotion Thesaurus
    Scrivener for Mac
    Kat Crit

    sharigreen.ya (AT) gmail.com

  2. I follow you on twitter (@sharigreen).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I tweeted here:



  5. I love this idea! The writer who did so much for me is Molly Blaisdell. A non-writer friend of hers gave me her phone number and I called her out of the blue. She graciously gave me tons of advice and help, and then kept in touch along the way. Without her, I would not have found Verla Kay's Blueboards or SCBWI. Her website: http://www.mollyblaisdell.com/

    Her blog: http://mollyblaisdell.blogspot.com/

    As for me, I'd love to win

    Scrivener for PC
    Emotion Thesaurus

    Thanks for the opportunity, but mostly thanks for letting me share one of my role models with you.

  6. Oh, and I already follow you on Twitter. (Hi!)

  7. And I've retweeted your tweet. Though I think I'll send another one, just so people know we're talking writerly love over here. lol

  8. This is amazing, Dee! Thank you for doing it! <3

    I'm inspired by, Brenda Drake because she's a hard worker & wicked funny. I like to describe her as a fairy godmother who loves coffee and always willing to help a fellow writer while whipping out a fantastic contest too.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/brendadrake

    Blog: http://brenleedrake.blogspot.com/

    I'd like the QT Membership Or Scrivener for PC.

    Thanks again for doing this! *hugs*

  9. This is a very cool idea. The online community is so supportive. Without each other, most of us wouldn't be able to take the rejection and doubt that comes with the game. For me, a writer friend who has helped along the way is my fellow Liverpool Warrior, who was a year ahead of me in HS bu we'd never met, John Zeleznik. John's a well-read dude, is always there to beta, and he's a great writer himself. I pretty much root for him as much as I do myself, which is kind of strange. Anyway, his blog is http://johnzeleznik.blogspot.com/ and his twitter handle is
    @john_zeleznik (dude tweets A LOT).

    1) Scrivener PC would be my preference, since I've heard a lot about it, but don't see myself purchasing it.

    2) Emotion Thesaurus is runner up.

    A prize would be cool, but the idea of this post is even cooler. Thanks. I tweeted this out to the twitterverse.

    My handle is @mswinchell

  10. My tweet: https://twitter.com/saphirablue84/status/218808540062683136

  11. I'm inspired by the same person as Jamie--Brenda Drake at http://brenleedrake.blogspot.com. I won a contest and Brenda critiqued my first ten pages. She gave me such incredible feedback. She also offered suggestions on where to find critique partners, which has been great for me.
    Her twitter: http://twitter.com/brendadrake
    I'd love to win:
    Scrivener for PC
    Emotion Thesaurus

    Thanks, Dee!

  12. I signed up for the I Write for Apples feed

  13. I tweet about the contest. @emcushi

  14. What an inspiring post topic! :)

    There are so many helpful writers in the children's writing world. Donna McDine is a lovely lady who writes children's books and has answered lots of my questions about children's writing. From how to format a manuscript, what great writing books to buy next and critting a manuscript with great care. Her site is http://www.donnamcdine.com/.

    You are offering very generous and great prizes, it is so kind of you!

    The Emotion Thesaurus looks very interesting
    So does Scrivener for PC
    The 5k crit sounds terrific too

    Your post made me smile, thank you for such a wonderful blog topic! :)

    :) Abigail

  15. I have discovered many wonderful up and coming authors through Twitter. Two of my most treasured finds as far as support and authorly advice have to be Summer @fizzygrrl and Lucas @gypsyroots. They have had my back and Summer has been there for me when I was ready to throw the towel in and sip on alcoholic beverages;-). I see great things in all of our writing futures!

    Scrivener for PC
    Query Tracker premium 1 year membership
    Emotion Thesaurus
    Kat Crit of 5,000 words (donation goes to Crits for Water!)

    Thanks for the opportunity Dee!

  16. i am a follower Tamar W
    i like gizmodo.com because they are humorous in their gadget reporting

  17. Yay fun!
    A few years back, Simon C Larter wrote a post about show vs tell that rocked my world and helped me become a better writer.

    Scrivener for PC
    Emotion Thesaurus
    Query Tracker premium 1 year membership
    Kat Crit of 5,000 words

  18. Yay! I already follow you on twitter!

  19. Thanks for hosting this great contest and for the kind words you said about me in your post!

    I was inspired by YA author Brodi Ashton. I stumbled across a blog post of hers (http://brodiashton.blogspot.com/) where she vowed to send out queries until she got 100 rejections. Turns out she received multiple offers to rep, but noted that even after her book had sold to Harper Collins (in 3 says!), the agent query rejections still rolled in. Needless to say, it was just what I needed to hear to keep me going at the time. Thanks Brodi!

    P.S. Brodi's second novel will come out in January 2013. The first, EVERNEATH, is on shelves now!


  20. Hello!

    A writer who has made a difference for me: Michael A. Stackpole. Besides being one of my favorite authors, he is also the source of a lot of great writer how-to knowledge. He puts out a nifty tutorial newsletter called "The Secret". This, plus its accompanying podcast, inspired me to really come back to writing after a bad college writing class experience.

    He can be found at:

    As for me, I'd love to win:

    Scrivener for PC
    Emotion Thesaurus
    Query Tracker premium 1 yr mbrship


  21. I just subscribed to the "I Write for Apples" email feed. (writerextreme@gmail.com)

  22. I just followed you on Twitter (@RedCrossYouxia)

  23. I forgot to leave my twitter handle! @saphirablue84

  24. I'm a follower too! :)

    Hrm. I have met so many awesome people through contests and through Twitter! People I would call real life friends now. I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am to all of them for keeping my leetle head above water on those days when the writer world can get you down.

    I know it's I am supposed to do just one, but as I am quite the rebel, here are two people that rocks my absolute socks right off and have been sooooooooo helpful to me when I needed it most!!

    Jess! @muchadoabout77
    Kat! @el_kat
    Dee! (That's YOU!!) @writeforapples

    There are so many more, but I realized I would be writing out half my Twitter list!

    Scrivener for PC
    Query Tracker premium 1 year membership
    Emotion Thesaurus
    Kat Crit of 5,000 words (donation goes to Crits for Water!)

  25. Oh! Also, I signed up for the email thinger! And I have been following you on Twitter for many, many moons, lol.

    Or do I need to put that separately... Hmm.

  26. And I Tweeted the contest like a very nice gal, lol.


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think the writer who is most influencing me at the moment is CS Lakin @CSLakin, @LiveWriteThrive and http://www.cslakin.com/ . She is an amazing writer in her own right, and her writing/editorial blog has been a wonderful help to me. She is also friendly, personable, conscientious, and committed to standing by and expounding her beliefs. That's definitely something that I admire and want to emulate.

    I'd prefer Scrivner for PC.
    I have Emotion Thesaurus. It's terrific.

    My email address is at http://about.me/pennyfreeman or on my wibiya tool bar on my blog at http://amindwandering.blogspot.com

  29. I'm following on GFC and on your RSS feed.

    My email address is at http://about.me/pennyfreeman or on my wibiya tool bar on my blog at http://amindwandering.blogspot.com

  30. I'm following I Write for Apples on Twitter. @freemom01

    My email address is at http://about.me/pennyfreeman or on my wibiya tool bar on my blog at http://amindwandering.blogspot.com

  31. I tweeted about your giveaway at https://twitter.com/Freemom01/status/220349165274796032


  32. I have so many writers who have influenced and helped me along my path! The first would be Jason F. Wright (author of THE WEDNESDAY LETTERS and CHRISTMAS JARS)http://jasonfwright.com/column/Help-wanted-Someone-to-coach-you-to-say-No.html

    I met him briefly at a Time Out for Women event in 2008, and I came home from that event inspired to revisit my childhood dream to be an author someday. After I finished writing my first novel, I met Jason for lunch one afternoon, and he gave me some great advice and encouragement. We still chat online from time to time, and he continues to encourage me when I start to wonder if I'll ever be published.

    I'm also extremely grateful for Brenda Drake (@brendadrake)
    Laura Bowers (@_LauraBowers)
    and Christie Wright Wild (@ChristieWild)
    who have all given me valuable critiques and feedback on my writing

    and Katie Davis (@KatieDavisBurps) who taught me how to use twitter, enabling me to meet and connect with so many great writers!!

  33. Oh! And I forgot to mention Heather Ayris Burnell (@heatherayris), who also gave me valuable feedback on my picture book manuscript and held my hand through my first days learning the ropes on twitter :)

    I think I could go on all day... Maybe I should turn this into a blog post of my own!

  34. I signed up for your blog's email feed.

  35. I already followed you on twitter (@vbartles) - Does that count? :)

  36. Oh, and I did tweet about the contest too!

  37. Hi Deanna!

    I follow your blog and twitter and signed up for your blog feed.

    I follow Tanya Reimer (http://www.tanyareimer.blogspot.com/)because she's funny, honest, and insightful.

    I'd be happy to win: Query Tracker premium 1 year membership
    Emotion Thesaurus

    Good luck!

  38. I follow @Sherman_Alexie (http://fallsapart.com/) because he is always good for a laugh and often writes in an off the cuff manner about the writing process.

    I follow the blog and your twitter.

    I would love to win Scrivner for Mac, because I fell in love with it this summer when I used the trial version for Camp NaNoWriMo.

    Thanks for such a great resources (your blog)!

  39. What a fabulous contest! :)
    I follow Becca and Angela at TheBookShelfMuse
    Both on twitter as well. :)

    I cannot thank these ladies enough for their contributions to the writing community.


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