MG Entry #4 - The Mis(s)fits: All that Glitters

Name: Heather Harris-Brady
Title: The Mis(s)fits: All that Glitters Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary Mystery Word Count: 32,500


Seriously, tween Manhattan fashionista/upstate transplant Celia Narro will do ANYTHING to be NYC’s Designer Deb. As she unravels the mystery of lost local loot – her ticket back – she finds a prejudiced secret society. When her partner disappears Celia’s nemesis forces her to choose between keeping a promise to an old friend or risking the life of a new one.

"What are you doing here? And more importantly - Dude - what is with that get up?" Celia said.

“Seriously, they might as well just lock me in the basement,” Celia said.“I mean, a FARM and a restaurant! Can you even?”She stopped abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk and put her hands on her hips. An impish Central Park breeze, bouncing the scent of Belgian waffles and hot dogs, lifted her black veil and sent sunshine sparkles skipping across the surface of the pond.

“Now do I look like a farmer?” she asked. Indira Prabshan put on her Fake Serious Face as she looked at her best friend, a mirror of her own image. From Celia’s glossy black razor-cut hair to her manicured fingernails down to the soles of her designer sandals they were both city girls through and through, and had been ever since they met on the first day of kindergarten.

“Noooo. . .,” Indira said, dissolving into the giggly laugh Celia liked so well. In the middle of the kites and wedding parties the pretty girl in mourning clothes and her poodle dressed in matching black tweed raised a few jaded eyebrows.

“And does this look like a farm dog?” Celia asked, pointing at Coco. This time they both laughed because there was no way to even picture the handful of cotton candy fluff anywhere other than the upholstered brownstone streets of the Upper West Side. Coco wagged her tail. She liked attention even if she didn’t always understand it. Indira’s laugh faded as her eyes darkened.

“Look, I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just going to come out and say it,” she said.

**Please remember, only participating agents should comment on these posts for the duration of the contest. Any other comments, including requests from agents who aren't participating in Hook, Line & Sinker, are welcome AFTER the contest closes at 7pm EDT on Wednesday, October 24th.

1 comment:

  1. More, please!
    Please paste into the body of your email: your cover letter, synopsis and first three chapters, and send to: Submissions(at)akaliteraryllc(dot)com. In the subject heading please state: HL&S - Requested by Terrie - with your entry number.



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