Query. Sign. Submit. with Victoria Marini

Victoria represents . . .

Adult, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Non-fiction. See guidelines here.

You should get an auto response when you query Victoria and yes, she responds to all queries. Check here for her query status update.

To connect with and learn more about Victoria . . .

Gelfman Schneider Literary Agency

QSS banner black Now for Victoria’s insight on querying, signing with an agent, and going on submission!


How do you tackle your inbox? Do you go in order or jump around?

I go from the last received to the most recently received, and I only jump around if A.) I receive notice that another agent has offered or that there’s some other time-sensitive issue regarding the manuscript submission or B.) There’s something in your subject line that I find extra-special. Sometimes, it’s that one of my clients has referred you, sometimes it’s a query that seems like something I’ve been longing for (see pirate book below). Sometimes, it’s something quite off. For example, I recently ended up accepting a query I’d gotten just 3 days before, because I noticed the title was the title of a song that I love, but that not many other people I know are familiar with.

Do you ever offer a Revise & Resubmit? When would you do so?

I do, yes. I do this when I think the premise and the writing are excellent, but when there are plot holes, thematic issues or other structural things that I believe are fix-able, I offer an R&R. Additionally, I’ll only offer when I feel confident that I can identify, articulate and fix the issues in a manuscript. I’ve - sadly - had to turn down many things that I knew just needed a bit of work, but I didn’t know what to do exactly.

What would you love to find in the slush pile?

A Pirate book, a YA psychological thriller, YA suspense, Literary Suspense a la Laura Lippman, Alison Gaylin, Gillian Flynn, or Tana French. I am and forever will be obsessed with IN THE WOODS


Do you sign a client as a career agent or on a book-by-book basis?

Career agent, certainly. Sometimes I sign people when I don’t know if I can sell their first book, but I’m sure I could sell their second based on their talent.

How do you put together a list of editors to send to?

It’s generally from meetings, lunches, word of mouth, and previous submissions etc. that I make my list. Relationships and taste tend to inform my submission lists.

Should a writer share previous contact with editors with you? For example, from conferences or workshops.

I think this depends on your time and relationship with that editor. If you had an editor at a workshop or conference take a sincere interest in you and your work, yes, absolutely. If you did a three minute pitch session, probably not. Either way, you can mention it, but remember your agent has picked specific editors for a reason so don’t always expect other contacts you had previously to be accommodated, especially if they were fleeting.

At what point would a client share new story ideas with you?

whenever they have them. It doesn’t mean I can submit them right away, but I’m pretty “come as you are”


Can a client make suggestions or share a wish list when it comes to editors/imprints to submit to?

A client could do this, but it wouldn’t necessarily mean I’d listen. Generally, the odds are better that I’ve been in touch with the right editors for a project more recently than anyone else.

Do you forward editor feedback to writers?

Yes, unless the client asks otherwise.

At what point might you suggest making more revisions?

If editors are coming back with consistent, solid feedback saying they would be open to considering revisions, I’d go back to the author and make a round 2 plan of attack.

What do you suggest a writer does while out on submission?

DO NOT BLOG ABOUT THE SPECIFICS. There’s definitely something to be said for posting about the “waiting game” and the glacial pace of publishing, but using specific information can get you in trouble. For example, let’s say I’m on a round 2 of submissions after large revisions. I send it to Editor X, who then googles you, only to discover - as your blog says - that this manuscript has been on submission for months. Editor X then immediately has information that leads to a negative conclusion: something must be wrong with it or they must be a last resort.

Thanks for joining us, Victoria!

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Posted July, 2013 – Always check for current info and guidelines.


  1. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  2. I love these Query. Sign. Submit. posts. THANKS!

  3. Ohh, I have a YA pirate book....

  4. Thanks, Dee. Another great resource for querying agents.


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