Query. Sign. Submit. with Kristina Springer

KristinaSpringerAuthorPhotoKristina Springer is a middle grade and young adult author. Her latest release, Cotton Candy Wishes, is now available from Skyhorse Publishing. Kristina is represented by Andrea Somberg of the Harvey Klinger Literary Agency.

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What resources and websites did you use when querying?

I used agentquery.com and targeted young adult fiction agents specifically.

How did you keep track of your queries?

I kept an excel spread sheet with notes on if the agent requested a partial or full and when I sent it.

What was your method for querying?

I queried 5-10 agents at a time. With my first book, I queried a hundred agents! I didn’t end up selling that book. I landed my first agent with the second book I wrote and that was in the first 10-20 queries.


Are there any specific questions you’d suggest writers ask an offering agent during “The Call”?

Yes! Ask them what they liked about your book (it helps to see where you two gel on things) and ask them about their contacts and where they can see placing your book. I also asked my first agent to look at another book I’d written and she ended up loving that one even more.

How did you know your agent was the right one for you?

I had offers from two agents and I went with the one I clicked with the most. I also liked her vision for the book and the publishers she saw as a perfect match for me.

At what point do you share new story ideas with your agent?

It depends. Sometimes I’ll send her just a pitch for a book and get feedback on the idea. Other times I’ll do a pitch and a chapter or two and then ask for her thoughts.


What is a typical first round like once a writer goes on submission?

It can vary. I’ve had one book go to auction with four different publishers bidding on it within ten days of submission. I’ve also had a book go out on sub for six months to a year and never sell.

What do you suggest a writer does while out on submission?

Work on the next book. It will distract you!

Can you check in with your agent if there hasn’t been any news in a while?

Of course! I e-mail my agent whenever I have a question about anything in the publishing process.

Thank you, Kristina!

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