Time to Go Fishing for Manuscripts! Round Three is On!

Hook, Line, & Sinker entrants, you are a very talented group of writers and you made our decisions very tough! While we couldn’t move everyone on to Round Three, we’ve done our best to give the participating agents what they’ve asked for and we’ll be watching for some fantastic matches to be made over the next few days.


No matter how far you made it in the contest, we hope you’ll gain something from being involved.
Learn about the agents and see what they request, use the feedback on your hook & line, let the encouragement carry you forward, and make some new writer friends.

Congratulations to our finalists and good luck!
Middle Grade will be posted on http://www.writeforapples.com/
Young Adult will be posted on http://katelliswrites.blogspot.com/
Adult will be posted on http://fizzygrrl.com//
* * * Reminders * * *
ONLY PARTICIPATING AGENTS MAY COMMENT IN THIS ROUND. We need to keep the posts clean so our awesome agents can easily read through the entries.

If you are another amazing agent who has happened upon this contest and would like to make requests, we welcome you to take a look. However, please wait until the contest closes at 7 PM EDT on Wednesday to make your requests.

If you want to tweet about the contest, use the hashtag #HLandS And be sure to follow @Fizzygrrl @el_kat @writeforapples


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